Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Thesis:

At one scale, a city in its simplest form is made
up of its inhabitants and the means in which they
interact. Locations of meeting can be identifi ed
as somewhat arbitrary and interchangeable as the
exchange will happen through the transition. To
map human interaction is always a kinetic process,
meaning the diagram would not simply include a
series of points but also the spaces in between.
What is interaction and who/what is it between?
What are the moves and spaces generated from it?
Looking at arrival and departure as a form of
interaction, the line of threshold is blurry as there
is no determinable beginning or end. Interaction is
not an act, but a study of acts summarized into a
resultant of all forces.

Points of Study:
Interactive Relationships
  • transportation spaces and pedestrian spaces
Motion and Flux
  • static and stationary spaces and the interchangeability of these spaces
  • -perception- being encompassed by the motion that was the original genesis of the space
Termination of Spaces
  • -at what point does the arrival end? When did it begin?
Keller Easterling- Organizational Space
  • Easterling wrote about architecture as generated from interrelationships and linkages—an expression of organizational character is part of the architectural endeavor.
    • There is no singular relationship in architecture
    • Architecture is based on multiple sites that are both individually and collectively adjustable.
    • Not just systematic decisions but architecture is also responsive to: circumstantial change, anomalies, (seemingly) illogical market forces, and mistakes. However, I would expand that to include relational flux, technological advances, speed, and unpredicted growth.
In Science, there is Newton’s third law that states every action has an equal and opposite reaction- in architecture, what is this? There are different scales of interaction—there are internal relationships that keep a body functioning at a cellular level that happen in the same was as those relationships that keep a city together. This can also happen on a tectonic scale. For example- the woven skin system that the architects used on the Worb Train station to complement the motion of the train. The fluidity of the structure does not seem complete without the motion of the train moving through it.

  • SMarch- Worb Train Station
  • Archizoom- No-Stop City (Anti-precedent)- There are no boundaries, everything is artificial and air conditioned. There is multi-functional furniture and clothing for the inhabitants. It is a highly artificial environment and what they thought was a futuristic city in 1968. This is what happens when relationships and interactions are homogenized into a conglomeration of forces.
  • Yokohama Terminal- FOA- there are several relationships in play- land to water, goer to comer (separate levels for individuals with opposing destinations that only meet at predetermined places), and pedestrian to the machine. The genesis of the form comes from the motion of the boat it serves.


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